Marketing Terms and Conditions

Sugentech, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) notifies the items of personal information and the collection method collected for advertising and marketing purposes in order to provide better services to members.
For more details, please refer to the Privacy Policy.

1. Purpose of Collection and Use

Marketing activities such as information on products and services of the company and its affiliates and recommendations for use
Information on marketing benefits such as events, coupons, and customized advertisements and provision of personalized service
Service-wide promotional event activities such as market research, product/service research and development, and surveys to improve service quality

2.Contents of Information to be Collected and Used

Personal information and activity information that you agree to collect and use essential for maintaining service use
Advertisement IDs such as Google AD-ID and Apple IDFA

3. Period of Retention and Use

From the date you agree to collect and use until the purpose of collection and use of personal information is achieved
In principle, when the purpose of collection and use of personal information is achieved due to the withdrawal of consent for service use or the termination of the service, the information is destroyed.
(However, if it is necessary to preserve personal information under related laws and internal regulations, such as service dispute resolution, civil complaint handling, and the fulfillment of legal obligations, it is retained and used for a certain period of time.)

4. Cancellation Method of Consent for Collection and Use

If you do not want to use the service, you can cancel your consent in the following ways.
Application (APP): Refusal from the setting menu within the application
※ You can sign up for membership and use the service even if you do not agree to the use of the marketing service, but there are restrictions on the use of related marketing benefit information (service introduction and gift events, etc.) and provision of convenience (gifts, discount coupons, customized advertisements, personalized services, etc.).
These terms and conditions come into effect from March 1, 2024.