Pregnancy Management Calendar

You can manage what week of pregnancy you are in and the due date through the pregnancy hormone test.
If you have seen a gynecologist and know what week of pregnancy you are in or when the due date is, you can register the information manually, so you do not need to use other apps.
If the result shows that you are in early pregnancy but you have not seen a gynecologist, you can find out about the week of pregnancy you are in or when your due date is by registering the first day of the last period.
※ The pregnancy management calendar shows different screens depending on the first day of the last period (or what week you are in or your due date).

1. First day of the last period, week number of pregnancy, and due date not registered

2. First day of the last period (or week number and due date) register window

※ Surearly SMART calculates one week including the 0 day of the last period to show the ‘week number.’
As this is an additional function provided along with the pregnancy hormone test, the accurate week number should be checked with a gynecologist.
E.g.) If the first day of the last period is October 7, 2020 and today’s date is October 30, the week number will be shown as 3 weeks and 2 days.
※ Surearly SMART calculates the due date as the 280th day from the first of your last period. As this is an additional function provided along with the week number above, the due date should be checked with a gynecologist.

3. Schedule registered

4. Edit schedule window (pop-up)

※ If you have checked your ‘week number’ and ‘Due date’ by visiting a gynecologist, edit the schedule on this pop-up window.